The Evolution Of Furniture Style

Furniture is a collective noun that groups objects like beds, chairs, tables, cupboards, etc. These objects help humans in their day-to-day activities of eating, sleeping, writing, storing things, etc. Furniture is used by people to render convenience and safety.

Furniture can be made of materials like plastic, wood, stone, and metal. The furniture in a home is usually reflective of the local culture and practices and the weather and the climatic conditions that are prevalent locally. People started using furniture ever since man stopped roaming around and settled in a place, and set up a house to continue living. This necessitated the requirement for storing objects.

The design and material used for furniture has evolved through the different periods. The Neolithic period had its own furniture in the form of wall paintings. It was also marked by the use stone furniture. Stone seats, tables, and cupboards were common. The Middle Ages sported furniture made of oak wood. The furniture was carved, ornamental, gilded with gold, and heavy.

The type of furniture also differed from place to place depending on the wood and other raw material available. American furniture primarily used walnut wood or the cherry wood. The Asian countries used a lot of furniture with bamboo and teak, Heavy lacquers were also used in Chinese design furniture.

Modern furniture is built with a whole range of new materials including laminated ply-woods, plastic, and metal. The designs have also changed according to the necessity of space, cost, and environment. Contemporary designs use straight lines and materials like steel for office and home furniture. Powder coated aluminum extrusions are also used for lightweight furniture.
Luxury furniture sports leather coverings and upholstered sofa sets. Premium glass is used to manufacture tables and other decorative pieces. There are different design aspects that go into the design and manufacture of office furniture, home furniture, etc. Eco-friendly materials like terracotta and bamboo are used in plenty in the manufacture of modern furniture.

Specialized design attention is paid to furniture that adorns kitchens and bathrooms. Stylized and utility cabinets are designed especially for modern kitchens to sport themed looks. Marble and granite stones are increasingly being used for table and countertops for ease of maintenance and long life. The costs of material used for the making of furniture have increased because of the demand and availability. There are consultants whose services are available to help an individual choose the right kind of furniture suited to his/her requirement and budget.